If you want to use the shopping cart but prefer to mail your payment instead of paying online, please follow these steps to complete and print out your order:
1. When you have finished shopping and are through adding items to your
cart, STOP. In your open shopping cart window, don't click on "Continue Shopping" or any "Check Out" buttons. Instead, print out your cart's contents by clicking on the text; "File" > "Print", usually located at the top left of your browser or shopping cart window.
2. Now, click on your cart's "Check Out - Pay without a PayPal account" button. This should take you to a page where you can enter your billing information.
3. Below the credit card info section, fill in the First Name and Last Name boxes and all the boxes in the "Billing Address" section (use the address you want your order shipped to). Enter your Phone info and Email Address in the "Contact Information" section.
4. Don't click on any "Pay Now " or "Continue" buttons you may see, or all your entries will be lost! Now, print this page from your browser as you did for your shopping cart page in step #1.
Please include a check or money order payable to Mark Oppat for the order total. Mail the check and both of the pages you have printed to:
Mark Oppat
253 Blanche St.
Plymouth, MI 48170
If you are having trouble ordering, please contact me.